Join the ChangeMaker Circle

Because tomorrow can be even better

Chicago is a city we’re proud to live in. Our schools, shuls, kollels, chesed organizations, and so much more highlight a thriving, striving community of unstoppable doers. Join the ChangeMaker Circle for $12/month and be a part of constant positive change.  Your monthly contributions will expand Chicago’s programs, open new opportunities, and unlock greater support for our children, our elderly, and everyone in between.

Join the ChangeMaker Circle, our monthly giving community, and you’ll make living in Chicago better each month.

Move Chicago forward with just $12 a month

Join as a single changemaker, or become a family of changemakers

Your gift amount

$1 / day

Your gift amount

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Our monthly gift amount



100% of your donation goes directly to  fund a better life in Chicago - for all of us

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Your gift amount

$12 / day

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Moments that happened because of a ChangeMaker like you

Guests enjoying a Chicago simcha while their host is, too

Building relationships that benefit us all

Our children getting safely to and
from their makom torah

Carefree moments in a kosher environment

Joining the global strength of Daf Yomi at a convenient local shiur

Taking care of our exclusively frum needs with free, filtered internet 

Empowering thousands to do business at the highest halachic standards

Our boys being inspired at a Pirchei event

Guests enjoying a Chicago simcha while their host is, too

Building relationships that benefit us all

Our children getting safely to and from their makom torah

Carefree moments in a kosher environment

Taking care of our exclusively frum needs with free, filtered internet

Our boys being inspired at a Pirchei event

As a ChangeMaker, your voice matters

Some of our greatest projects started with a suggestion from someone like you.

Your support makes a difference in Torah lives every day

families getting busing in Chicago
H3 Business Halacha summit participants
Pesach guides downloaded
families get food boxes every yom tov
families using the simcha gemachs
Vaad Hatzedakos verified collectors
families disposing of shaimos
children enjoying the aquatics center