You can make living as a Proud jew easier every day. For thousands.

Tuition scholarships. Politicians who advocate for us. Security grants. Halacha conferences. A kosher library & pool. Emergency hotlines. Legal support.
Agudah is here, making it happen. And you’re right here with us.
100% of your donation goes directly to fund a better life in Chicago - for all of us
With your help, Agudah brings our community $48M each year, on an operating budget of $2M.
Some of the funds our community received this year
in security grants for our schools, shuls and streets
Post-Covid school
$22 M+
Tax Credits
$380 k
Pesach teacher appreciation program
Giving to Agudah doesn’t just mean a voice in the halls of power
A boy splashing happily in a kosher pool. A father freed of worry about how he’ll pay tuition . A mother getting support raising her special needs child. A young man savoring the taste of finishing a masechta. A family enjoying yom tov despite tough finances. A shul led by a rav who is recharged and refueled. A schoolyard of children playing in safety.
a community that’s strong, supported & thriving.


Join our circle of ChangeMakers
agudah has a cause:
making Jewish lives better every day. So do you.
Join our monthly circle of ChangeMakers who are here to help shape the today and tomorrow of Torah midwest. For just $1/day. We count on monthly gifts to expand our programs, open new opportunities, and fill in gaps in support.
100% of your donation goes directly to fund advocacy & 31 community services
Your support makes a difference in Torah lives every day
more ways to give
Leave a lasting mark on Chicago with a gift of $5,000+ by sponsoring an initiative of your choice
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Give a meaningful gift in memory or as a zechus for someone important to you
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Click here to see the many ways you can make a real impact
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