Notably, the legislation also amends the Kosher Food Act, which prohibits the sale of food wrongly labeled as certified kosher but has been unenforceable, as it did not contain a legal definition of kosher. This bill now provides a definition, which should enable the enforcement of the Kosher Food Act.
Kosher Bill Passes in Illinois After Over Two Years of Advocacy
After more than two years of dedicated advocacy, Agudath Israel of Illinois has successfully championed the passage of SB457, a significant piece of legislation now awaiting the governor's approval. The bill mandates that schools, correctional facilities, and state hospitals provide kosher and halal food options upon request, ensuring that individuals with religious dietary needs have access to meals that align with their faith.

The success of this legislation comes after a gubernatorial vetoof a previous version of the bill and extensive collaboration amongstakeholders. AIOI thanks the bill's chief sponsors, Senator Ram Villivalam(D-Chicago) and Representative Kevin Olickal (D-Chicago), for their leadershipand support.
Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, director of government affairs for AgudathIsrael of Illinois shared, "We are pleased with this outcome, whichensures students have access to meal options that align with their religiousdietary requirements. We extend our gratitude to the governor and his team fortheir collaboration with Agudath Israel, Senator Villivalam, RepresentativeOlickal, our Muslim partners, and other stakeholders in achieving thisimportant milestone.”
The passage of SB457 represents a landmark achievement,reflecting a commitment to inclusivity and respect for diverse religiouspractices in public institutions with bipartisan support.
"Ensuringour youth has access to food that respects their dietary restrictions isimperative for their health,” said State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago).“This measure continues breaks down barriers when accessing food, particularlyin schools, and builds upon the commitment to providing an inclusiveenvironment for all.”
“Thepassage of this legislation ensures that students across Illinois have accessto religiously accommodated lunches. We are not only respecting their culturaland spiritual needs but also fostering a learning environment where every childfeels valued and supported," said State Rep. Kevin Olickal (D-Chicago)."This is a win for our students, their families, and the principles thatmake our state strong.”